My Story
Hello! My name is Bri and I would love to share my style story with you. After many years as a tall gal in conservative corporate environments, I became adept at styling myself professionally while adding elements of my own personal style into my outfits. Throughout my corporate career, I indulged my passion for styling and fashion by continually enjoying part-time retail work on the side. I became an expert at how to style customers of all ages, budgets, lifestyles and body types.
After I became frustrated with the pace of corporate life, I totally reevaluated my career path and became a Personal Stylist at a popular women’s retail store. Customers came to rely on the easy way I established rapport and understood their styling needs and desires. I quickly became a trusted and requested stylist for over forty clients.
My clients especially loved how I inspired their style throughout exciting life transitions such as new professional endeavors, healthy weight loss, new babies, and transitions out of the workforce.
Now my expertise is available to you! Whether you are looking to revamp your entire wardrobe, need a seasonal refresh or want brand new outfit combinations with what you already own, I am happy to help. Your experience will be custom tailored just for you in order to best meet your own personal goals, budget and lifestyle.